Source code for getsitemap.retrieve_sitemap

import concurrent.futures
import urllib.robotparser as rp
from typing import Dict, Union

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

def _concurrent_thread_starter(urls: list, thread_max: int, allow_xml_inference: bool, dedupe_results: bool):
    Create a pool of threads to retrieve sitemap files.

    :param urls: A list of URLs to retrieve.
    :type urls: list
    :param thread_max: The maximum number of threads to use in sitemap retrieval requests.
    :type thread_max: int
    :param allow_xml_inference: Whether or not to infer that a URL ending in .xml is a sitemap.
    :type allow_xml_inference: bool
    :param dedupe_results: Whether or not to deduplicate the results.
    :type dedupe_results: bool
    :return: A dictionary of URLs found in each discovered sitemap.
    :rtype: dict
    results = {}

    with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=thread_max) as executor:
        processes = [executor.submit(get_individual_sitemap, url, dedupe_results, allow_xml_inference) for url in urls]

        for process in concurrent.futures.as_completed(processes):

    return results

def _parse_list_of_urls(
    parsed_file: BeautifulSoup,
    root_url: str,
    allow_xml_inference: bool = True,
    recurse: bool = True,
    dedupe_results: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    Get all the URLs in a non-sitemapindex sitemap.

    :param parsed_file: The parsed sitemap file.
    :type parsed_file: BeautifulSoup
    :param root_url: The URL of the sitemap.
    :type root_url: str
    :param allow_xml_inference: Whether or not to infer that a URL ending in .xml is a sitemap.
    :type allow_xml_inference: bool
    :return: A dictionary of URLs found in each discovered sitemap.
    :rtype: dict
    all_urls = {}

    for url in parsed_file.find_all("url"):
        if not url.find("loc") or not url.find("loc").text:
        if url.find("loc") and url.find("loc").text.endswith(".xml") and allow_xml_inference:
            if recurse is False:
                    get_individual_sitemap(url.find("loc").text.strip(), allow_xml_inference, dedupe_results)
        elif url.find("loc"):
            if all_urls.get(root_url):
                all_urls[root_url] = [url.find("loc").text.strip()]

    return all_urls

[docs]def get_individual_sitemap( root_url: str, thread_max: int = 20, dedupe_results: bool = True, allow_xml_inference: bool = True, recurse: bool = False, ) -> dict: """ Get all of the URLs associated with a single sitemap. :param root_url: The URL of the sitemap. :type root_url: str :param thread_max: The maximum number of threads to use in sitemap retrieval requests. :type thread_max: int :param allow_xml_inference: Whether or not to infer that a URL ending in .xml is a sitemap. :type allow_xml_inference: bool :param recurse: Whether or not to recurse into other sitemaps. :type recurse: bool :return: A dictionary of URLs found in each discovered sitemap. :rtype: dict Example: .. code-block:: python import getsitemap urls = getsitemap.get_individual_sitemap("") print(urls) # ["", ...] """ all_urls = {} try: sitemap_file = requests.get(root_url, timeout=10) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: return {} if sitemap_file.status_code != 200: return {} parsed_file = BeautifulSoup(sitemap_file.text, "xml") if parsed_file.find("sitemapindex"): # find all the urls in the sitemap index all_sitemaps = parsed_file.find_all("sitemap") sitemap_urls = list(set([sitemap.find("loc").text for sitemap in all_sitemaps if sitemap.find("loc")])) if recurse: all_urls.update(_concurrent_thread_starter(sitemap_urls, thread_max, allow_xml_inference, dedupe_results)) else: return {root_url: sitemap_urls} else: all_urls.update(_parse_list_of_urls(parsed_file, root_url, allow_xml_inference)) if dedupe_results: for key, value in all_urls.items(): # remove duplicates all_urls[key] = list(set(value)) return all_urls
def _flatten_sitemap_dictionaries(all_discovered_sitemaps: dict) -> dict: """ Flatten a dictionary of sitemaps into a flat list. :param all_discovered_sitemaps: A dictionary of sitemaps. :type all_discovered_sitemaps: dict :return: A flat list of URLs. :rtype: list """ flat_sitemaps: Dict[str, list] = {} for key, url in all_discovered_sitemaps.items(): if isinstance(url, dict): for key, value in url.items(): if flat_sitemaps.get(key): flat_sitemaps[key].extend(value) else: flat_sitemaps[key] = value else: flat_sitemaps[key] = url return flat_sitemaps
[docs]def retrieve_sitemap_urls( root_page: str, as_flat_list: bool = True, allow_xml_inference: bool = True, thread_max: int = 20, dedupe_results: bool = True, ) -> Union[list, dict]: """ Find all of the URLs in every sitemap associated with a provided domain. This function will take a bit of time to run depending on how many URLs are discovered. :param root_page: The root page of the domain to search for sitemaps. :type root_page: str :param as_flat_list: Whether or not to return the URLs as a flat list. :type as_flat_list: bool :param allow_xml_inference: Whether or not to infer that a URL ending in .xml is a sitemap. :type allow_xml_inference: bool :param thread_max: The maximum number of threads to use in sitemap retrieval requests. :type thread_max: int :param dedupe_results: Whether or not to remove duplicate URLs. :type dedupe_results: bool :return: A list of URLs. :rtype: Union[list, dict] Example: .. code-block:: python import getsitemap all_urls = getsitemap.retrieve_sitemap_urls("") print(all_urls) # ["", "", ...] """ all_discovered_urls = {} parser = rp.RobotFileParser() parser.set_url(root_page.rstrip("/") + "/robots.txt") sitemap_urls = parser.site_maps() if sitemap_urls: if root_page + "/sitemap.xml" not in sitemap_urls: sitemap_urls.append(root_page + "/sitemap.xml") unique_sitemaps = list(set(sitemap_urls)) new_urls = _concurrent_thread_starter(unique_sitemaps, thread_max, allow_xml_inference, dedupe_results) all_discovered_urls.update(new_urls) if as_flat_list: return [url for url_list in all_discovered_urls.values() for url in url_list] else: return _flatten_sitemap_dictionaries(all_discovered_urls)